The life of a born again Christian missionary. Part poetry, part art, music, dance, nature, adventure, new discoveries and passion for Christ. This is my journey.
Monday, 4 December 2017
Muizenberg and Miracles
Right now I am totally in my own space yet there is a whole room of people around me. People from all over the world talking and laughing together. It is so beautiful. There is this life giving sensation knowing that everyone is passing through on the way to somewhere amazing. There is an urge to embrace the short time we have together and learn as much about each other as we can, who knows when we will meet again but I get to carry the memories of these people with me when I leave. I can remember them when things get hard and know that I have a family that stretches to all corners of the world and they love me for all the potential I carry within me and not for my accomplishments.
These people here in this room are living proof that the world can live alongside each other. That we don't need to fight but that we can bring life to each other, we can make each other stronger. The love of God shows how the world was created to be, the aching potential placed inside each person to love people more than pride.
This building is a monument of amazing miracles, the people of God moved in and with them they brought more than they could have dreamed. When you fill a place with people seeking after God you get to see all the wonder that is Jesus coming to live among us and choosing to give us life everyday.
You get to be a first hand witness to growth, watching people bloom into who they were meant to be and throw off the shackles of all that has been breaking them. Not only do you get to watch but you get to be a part of it, you grow together into the beautiful, strong children of the almighty God.
So while this could happen anywhere else on earth I got to be a part of this miracle and I guess that is why I love it.
Monday, 27 November 2017
Meeting the team
So far I am thoroughly enjoying our training, it is helping me to figure out how I should be approaching this school and making sure that I am not coming into this time with negative or unrealistic expectations. We are a small team at the moment 6 of us including our leaders have been here for the week and today we were joined by one of our other team members. Unfortunately not everyone could make it for the training so far. One of our friends is waiting on a visa from Zimbabwe which in this current political climate is problematic but I feel certain that we will all be together by the time the school starts.
As I continue on this path God has called me to I can feel myself becoming happier and more confident. I now find myself cheerful as a general state of being and I don't need special cause to be but it is generated just out of a closeness with God and a satisfaction with where I am and where I am going. I am so excited because I no longer need to plan my life step by step but I get to wait and see where God will take me. Instead of killing my dreams with practicality I can dream and know that God will make a way for me to get to the places He is leading me. Suddenly everything is possible again but not because I can in my strength but because God can.

The LTS(leadership training school) was such a intensive time of training and I can't wait to get to put it all into practice. I formed some great bonds and connections over that time and I am looking forward to seeing those people being a part of my future. While all the goodbyes are painful they are balanced by the forming of new beautiful friendships with new people. One of the wonders of being part of this missionary community is that even though my friends head to all corners of the earth I might still see them again some day as we all make tracks across the globe on our mission from God. And even if I never see them again there will always be the impact they had on me that is now a piece of who I am and will stay with me forever.
Sorry this post has been so delayed, I will try and post more regularly. Thank you for reading, till next time. Love from Linda.
Monday, 23 October 2017
A Calling to go
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Relaxing art session in our break time |
How am I going to pay for this? I am not sure, it is part of the journey God is taking me on. To rely on Him for finances is really testing my faith, it goes against all wisdom of the world but it says in the bible
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Beautiful Cape Town (outing with some LTS (leadership training school) friends) |
Sunday, 15 October 2017
Stepping into Life
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Sitting among leaders from all over the world |
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Lectures from Landa Cope |
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Worship Session |
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LTS School |
So what is next. Well, I will be home for 3 weeks over Christmas and then it is back to Muizenberg for another adventure. This time I will be helping staff the January DTS (Discipleship Training School) called Engage and Embrace. This is a real step of faith for me since I have no funding for this school. I just knew I had to do it and felt so certain that I am trusting God to help me raise the finances I will need for the lecture and outreach phases. I know that if I am going to be a long term missionary then this is something I am going to need to learn. I am scared to face this mountain but I know that as long as I am living in God's house everything I need will be provided because He is taking care of me. I can't wait to meet the new DTS students and be a part of their journeys as they realize how much God loves them and how important they are. Knowing I will be playing a part in the future of people who will go on to change the world is so exciting.
Beloved Muizenberg |
Hiking Muizenberg Mountain |
Sunday, 8 October 2017
Wednesday, 19 July 2017
Last Week In Réunion
So we are starting the process of packing and sorting out visa applications, starting the course of malaria pills and saying goodbyes.
On Sunday we went to another new church and they let us participate in their ministry, afterwards we were blessed with a delicious lunch that we got to eat with them. Then we ran the youth group it was wonderful to meet some more of my Kingdom family and what they shared with us touched my heart as well.
We were blessed to have the YWAM Réunion leader's son stay with us again, he shared his testimony with us and we had an amazing group time bonding as the family of Christ.
Yesterday we were blessed enough to be able to go back to Jérôme's garden and finish the work we started. It was so satisfying to serve one of God's people like that and in return he blessed us with an amazing lunch.
Our leaders are leaving tomorrow so today is our last day with them it is really sad to have to separate from them but I am so excited to meet their baby when we get back to South Africa since he has been travelling with us right from the start. Today we are going to be on the radio, nervous but excited.
Sorry for the late post I ran out of time yesterday, I am not sure how I am going to post when I get to Madagascar but I'll make a plan. That's all for now, please pray for us to have a safe trip to Madagascar on Saturday and for our leaders flying back to SA tomorrow.
Before |
After |
After |
After |
Wednesday, 12 July 2017
Prayer and Manual Labour
It is so amazing, God knew the whole time, every time I tried to pray for finances He would ask me why I was worrying about finances when I am living in His house. He is providing for me, He asks nothing in return, He has adopted me and is taking care of me.
This weekend we went to a church on the other side of the island. Our leader received word from God that we need to pray over the whole island so we did a "prayer drive". As we drove to the church the one way we interceded for the island. Then on the way back we went the other way round and prayed over the other half of the island. It took most of the day, the longest time I have ever spent in intercession but the Holy Spirit was definitely working and teaching us about the atmosphere of the island. We also really got to see the different areas, it is so beautiful here with the forests and the barren rocks left over from the previous volcanic eruptions that are slowly being reclaimed by plants.
Speaking of plants reclaiming land, we finally got to do some stereotype missionary work (manual labour). We went to help clear vegetation for a garden that has been overgrown for the past 4 years. It was hard work but some of the most fun gardening I have ever taken part in. Right at the end we found a massive spider crawling over one of the jackets. The spider was dubbed Patricia and nudged onto the end of the rake. Once there our fearless leader used the rake to fling the spider off into new lands and we got to witness the comical moment of Patricia flying a good few meters into the distance legs flailing as she acclimatised.
Tonight we had an amazing bring and share with 2 of the youth groups from the island. There was pizza, bouchon (one of my new favourite dishes), cake, music and hilarious games half in french half in english with people displaying expert translating skills as they bounced between the 2 languages.
We leave in 10 days but I don't know how I can when this island has claimed so much of my heart. I wish I could pack all the people in my suitcase and take them with me.
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Looking at the waterfall |
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The Gardening Crew |
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Jamming with the Extravagance Team |
Friday, 7 July 2017
Some Photos (more coming soon)
Wednesday, 5 July 2017
Growth and Change
So far we have been to 4 different churches and 2 youth groups. I have never been more sure of God's love or His presence. I can feel Him at work in everything. I continue to fall in love with this island, I am learning so much. The love these people have for the Holy Spirit and worship is inspiring. So far we have seen healings and salvation.
I am still struggling with the language barrier but even with this God shows me He is busy working. Today I was so encouraged. Back in Cape Town we had prayed, in the beginning of our lecture phase for God to reveal to us, someone who needed prayer. I received the picture of a yellow shirt with 2 waves on it. We walked around Muizenberg looking for the person wearing the shirt but we didn't find them. I was discouraged in my ability to evangelise people and hear the voice of God. Today we were walking around the market talking to and praying for people. I was struggling because it is difficult to approach people when you know they don't speak your language. Suddenly I saw a man in a yellow shirt exactly like the one I had looked for in Muizenberg. It was amazing we spoke to the guy, he was Christian, in the army and far from his home and family. We were able to pray blessing and encouragement over him. I have never seen God work in this way before, I am so glad that He blessed me with this new way for me to spread the love of His kingdom and show people how much He cares.
We have been privileged enough to spend time with the youth of this island. They are so on fire for God it makes my heart over flow with joy. My french has improved a little but unfortunately my english is starting to suffer.... I guess as the one increases the other needs to make room.
Tomorrow we are going to cook for and serve the homeless, then we are going to minister to the sailors at the harbour. I am so excited, the last time we ministered to the homeless I really felt a change, that they were impacted by us being there, interested in them and not the various tourist attractions. I can't wait to see how God uses us tomorrow, every day He surprises me and I see more and more how great His love for us is and how powerfully He works in all things. Anyway the day starts at 6am tomorrow so it's time for bed. My phone got wet and gave up on me so the photos will be a bit delayed but I am working on it. This is all for now.... à bientout (see you later)
Tuesday, 27 June 2017
First week
Okay, so we arrived on Friday night to a tropical paradise. Stepping of the plane I felt the warm island breeze and began to wish I was wearing shorts. The immigration officers were more friendly than an airport staff I have ever met (I thought they were supposed to be Stern and scary).
It took about 2 days for it to actually sink in that I am no longer in South Africa. That I won't be for the next 2 months, if the rest of the money for my second month comes in.
Everyone here speaks french, they all know a little English but very few speak it enough for a comfortable conversation. In some ways it is great for my learning process, my french has already improved dramatically. The language barrier does make it difficult to get to know the locals though. Tomorrow we are doing street evangelism so my new french skills will really be put to the test. These people are so friendly and welcoming and it is most frustrating not being able to communicate gratitude to the effect that I want. Merci (thank you) has become my most used word.
We are so blessed here, God has provided for us so abundantly I can't believe how much we are receiving. Even though we have only just started God has already blessed us just in our coming. I could not have imagined a kinder nation than the one we have met here. They are constantly hospitable, encouraging and friendly. There is such an air of peace and everyone seems to take each day as it amazes me. Anyway long day tomorrow so that is all for now, here are some pictures.