So, after everyone has left and the farewell tears have dried from my cheeks, life moves on. I am currently doing the 5 week seminar LTS (Leadership Training School). It is pushing my mindset and making my brain explode, in a good way. We are receiving lectures from some of the most successful long term leaders in YWAM (Youth With A Mission). They are challenging all the things I thought were set in my brain and teaching me that even though I am constantly trying to learn more about God there will always be more to learn. I am loving the way this school is pushing me to focus on life and where I am going. It is challenging me to step up and determinedly pursue God's plan for my life.
Sitting among leaders from all over the world |
Lectures from Landa Cope |
Worship Session |
LTS School |
So what is next. Well, I will be home for 3 weeks over Christmas and then it is back to Muizenberg for another adventure. This time I will be helping staff the January DTS (Discipleship Training School) called Engage and Embrace. This is a real step of faith for me since I have no funding for this school. I just knew I had to do it and felt so certain that I am trusting God to help me raise the finances I will need for the lecture and outreach phases. I know that if I am going to be a long term missionary then this is something I am going to need to learn. I am scared to face this mountain but I know that as long as I am living in God's house everything I need will be provided because He is taking care of me. I can't wait to meet the new DTS students and be a part of their journeys as they realize how much God loves them and how important they are. Knowing I will be playing a part in the future of people who will go on to change the world is so exciting.
Beloved Muizenberg |
Hiking Muizenberg Mountain |
Till next time...
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