Friday, 7 July 2017

Some Photos (more coming soon)

Around Town

The team that provide food for the homeless every day

 Was so inspiring to spend time with them

Up the side of the volcano for Kate's birthday

Welcoming the guests to the National day celebrating all sea farers

bienvenue! :)

Outing with the Bonne Nouvelle Youth

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Growth and Change

Okay so, week 2.
So far we have been to 4 different churches and 2 youth groups. I have never been more sure of God's love or His presence. I can feel Him at work in everything. I continue to fall in love with this island, I am learning so much. The love these people have for the Holy Spirit and worship is inspiring. So far we have seen healings and salvation.

I am still struggling with the language barrier but even with this God shows me He is busy working. Today I was so encouraged. Back in Cape Town we had prayed, in the beginning of our lecture phase for God to reveal to us, someone who needed prayer. I received the picture of a yellow shirt with 2 waves on it. We walked around Muizenberg looking for the person wearing the shirt but we didn't find them. I was discouraged in my ability to evangelise people and hear the voice of God. Today we were walking around the market talking to and praying for people. I was struggling because it is difficult to approach people when you know they don't speak your language. Suddenly I saw a man in a yellow shirt exactly like the one I had looked for in Muizenberg.   It was amazing we spoke to the guy, he was Christian, in the army and far from his home and family. We were able to pray blessing and encouragement over him. I have never seen God work in this way before, I am so glad that He blessed me with this new way for me to spread the love of His kingdom and show people how much He cares.

We have been privileged enough to spend time with the youth of this island. They are so on fire for God it makes my heart over flow with joy. My french has improved a little but unfortunately my english is starting to suffer.... I guess as the one increases the other needs to make room.

Tomorrow we are going to cook for and serve the homeless, then we are going to minister to the sailors at the harbour. I am so excited, the last time we ministered to the homeless I really felt a change, that they were impacted by us being there, interested in them and not the various tourist attractions. I can't wait to see how God uses us tomorrow, every day He surprises me and I see more and more how great His love for us is and how powerfully He works in all things. Anyway the day starts at 6am tomorrow so it's time for bed. My phone got wet and gave up on me so the photos will be a bit delayed but I am working on it. This is all for now.... à bientout (see you later)