So why is this place so important to me? Why do I love being here? Is it the people, the food, the spiritual connection or a little combination of everything that creates the culture of YWAM Muizenberg? I think it is the way that you can be included yet totally in your own space, or the way we are all so unique yet so accepted.
Right now I am totally in my own space yet there is a whole room of people around me. People from all over the world talking and laughing together. It is so beautiful. There is this life giving sensation knowing that everyone is passing through on the way to somewhere amazing. There is an urge to embrace the short time we have together and learn as much about each other as we can, who knows when we will meet again but I get to carry the memories of these people with me when I leave. I can remember them when things get hard and know that I have a family that stretches to all corners of the world and they love me for all the potential I carry within me and not for my accomplishments.
These people here in this room are living proof that the world can live alongside each other. That we don't need to fight but that we can bring life to each other, we can make each other stronger. The love of God shows how the world was created to be, the aching potential placed inside each person to love people more than pride.
This building is a monument of amazing miracles, the people of God moved in and with them they brought more than they could have dreamed. When you fill a place with people seeking after God you get to see all the wonder that is Jesus coming to live among us and choosing to give us life everyday.
You get to be a first hand witness to growth, watching people bloom into who they were meant to be and throw off the shackles of all that has been breaking them. Not only do you get to watch but you get to be a part of it, you grow together into the beautiful, strong children of the almighty God.
So while this could happen anywhere else on earth I got to be a part of this miracle and I guess that is why I love it.
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